UPDATE 2023: RoundMe, that previously was hosting my interactive VR-tour of Reffen, has closed with no prior warning (and no chance to export your creations!). So my tour is currently not available. But I have started experimenting with "self-hosting" VR360-panoramas based on Pannellum. Pannellum also supports creating tours, but unfortunately VR headsets are not supported. So might also try other options.
Try my 16-photos virtual tour in Copenhagen Street Food market and recreational area, Reffen on Refshaleøen. I spent a great deal of my time at Reffen this summer and brought my VR 360° camera a couple of times. Photos are all from a few days in August.
The tour/photos are hosted on my new account at RoundMe.com. Later I will post some of the photos on Flickr too, however Flickr doesn't offer creating tours or other of the more advanced 360-panorama features utilized here. You can also see the tour with a VR headset, f.ex. with Google Cardboard. There's an app for RoundMe, but it hasn't been updated in a long time, and it looks like the smartphone optimized website works just as well, if not better. In my short experience also with phone placed in a VR headset.
The photos are some of my first shots with the Xphase Pro S which I purchased last year to replace my Panono (Yes, I've been a bit slow getting started with the new cam). I expect to write more about the Xphase in another post, but in short it offers even better quality and resolution than the Panono, but workflow tend to become rather cumbersome.
Some "snapshots" from the tour:
Go ahead, take the tour! :-)